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*Play in Google Chrome for best results*

This is our game for Greg Niemeyer's Game Development and Design course at UC Berkeley. 

*IMPORTANT* Please fill out this survey form after your playtest!


Move with arrow keys or by clicking around! Left click "selects," Right click is the back button. After clicking once in the window, you're able to use your keyboard: Enter is "select," escape is "back," and the arrow keys navigate.


  • You can save your progress any time throughout the game. Press "esc" and you should see the save file states.
  • When you are battling in the dungeon, make sure you make good use of the cassette tape items, which grant you HP and MP. You are able to use these items during battle or outside of battle by pressing the "back" button and opening "Items." Also be sure to equip any items that you pick up by going to the "Equip" section of your menu outside of battle. 

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